Synopsis: Based on Stona Fitch’s novel. Elliot Gast was cruising on the road to success, until he became violently overturned by a group of political extremists and brutally tortured for acts he wasn’t even aware he had committed. Now, as his torment is streamed across the net as the most graphic and disturbing reality show yet, Elliott has nothing left but the will to fight back against the evils and try to plead to the masses as they safely watch from the other side of their computer screens. In this intense thriller where desperation and pain become the new currency, we expose a raw view of commercialism, capitalism, and the American Dream according to the new order of radical extremists.
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Ratings: IMDB: 5.3/10 (23 votes) | RT: 7%
Directed by: Simon Hynd
Starring: Jason Behr, Emma Catherwood, Joe Ferrara, Jacques Kerr, Helen Mallon
Release Name: Senseless.2008.DVDRip.XviD-AsiSter
Video: XviD @ 1 153 Kbps - 640×352 (WxH) - AR: 16/9, FPS: 23.976
Audio: MP3 @ 120 Kbps (Variable) - 2 channels
Size: 700 MB,
Filename: asister-sen
Dumpeado: emom
NFO:Ratings: IMDB: 5.3/10 (23 votes) | RT: 7%
Directed by: Simon Hynd
Starring: Jason Behr, Emma Catherwood, Joe Ferrara, Jacques Kerr, Helen Mallon
Release Name: Senseless.2008.DVDRip.XviD-AsiSter
Video: XviD @ 1 153 Kbps - 640×352 (WxH) - AR: 16/9, FPS: 23.976
Audio: MP3 @ 120 Kbps (Variable) - 2 channels
Size: 700 MB,
Filename: asister-sen
Dumpeado: emom
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by emom
Fuente: Senseless.2008.DVDRip.XviD-AsiSter
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